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Newsletter Friday 27th September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have not let this wet weather get the better of us this week. We have had a great week. Thank you for attending your Meet the Teacher meetings. It was great to see you there. We look forward to seeing you at next week's Reception and Nursery meetings. Please remember we have the Reception and Year 1 phonics and reading workshop on Wednesday at 3:30pm. We hope you can make it. The slides for the parent’s meetings are on the website.


Please remember to look at our knowledge organisers on the website to help support your child’s learning with the curriculum from Years 1 – 6. The link for this is

October is Black History Month. In today’s world, stories are powerful tools that shape how we understand our past, present, and future. For too long, the history of Black communities has been told through lenses that often misrepresent, oversimplify, or entirely overlook the rich and diverse experiences of those who lived it. But 2024 is set to be a transformative year. Black History Month UK has unveiled its compelling theme: Reclaiming Narratives. This theme encourages us to shine a spotlight on the untold stories, the unsung heroes, and the everyday individuals who have made an indelible impact on our communities. One of the most exciting aspects of Reclaiming Narratives is its potential to inspire and educate the next generation. This theme offers a fresh perspective on Black history that goes beyond the traditional focus on slavery and civil rights. It’s about celebrating Black excellence in all its forms—whether in the arts, sciences, politics, or everyday life. As well as activities for the children and visitors invited to come and talk to the children at school there will also be a Black History event for families on Wednesday 16th October from 3:30-5pm in the school hall. More information will follow. We hope to see you there.


I want to say a massive well done and thank you to Cem, Didem and Deniz who raised £65 for school by selling books and toys.  They were incredible at being very proactive in setting up the stall, making posters, pricing their stock and getting people to stop and take a look. Well done Cem, Didem and Deniz, this is amazing and very much appreciated.


It was lovely to see some of you at Reception’s first Family Friday today. There will be more opportunities to visit this term. It was lovely to see parents are carers reading with the children.


Thank you for not blocking the front entrance in the mornings and afternoons. It really makes a difference for the children coming in. Please can you continue to keep the school entrance clear. Thank you.


I hope you have a lovely weekend,



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