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Headteacher’s Welcome


Headteacher – Jessica Bailey


Welcome to Betty Layward.


Betty Layward is a unique and welcoming two form entry school where we believe that every child has the right to reach their potential. We understand that as the world is ever-changing potential will blossom if children are prepared for life with the skills to advance, adapt and grow. Our duty as a school is to inspire, develop and nurture every child to have the confidence to learn. We believe that no child should be left behind. At Betty Layward we know that children learn best when they feel valued, cared for and are given a variety of opportunities to express themselves creatively.


At Betty Layward we believe that potential is not just limited to academic success.  We actively promote an environment where each child achieves their full potential through a creative, broad and enriched curriculum that promotes a love of learning.  Art, Sport, Music and Drama are core elements of our curriculum and we strive to ensure that they continue to be valued.


At Betty Layward we:

  • Keep children at the centre of all we do
  • Have high expectations of ourselves and all our learners
  • Recognise the contribution that everyone can make to children’s learning
  • Encourage everyone to be a problem solver with a ‘can do’ attitude
  • Build self confidence by supporting risk taking
  • Provide challenging active learning that gives choice and independence and encourages thinking 
  • Ensure our school is an inclusive, stimulating environment that reflects and celebrates our creative learning
  • Make use of our location so that pupils experience and feel part of London
  • Enable our pupils to understand they are citizens of a wider global community.


We believe that the education of our children is a shared responsibility between home and school. We work in close partnership with families to ensure that our children have a positive and rewarding journey throughout their time at Betty Layward. We actively encourage parental and family involvement in our school through volunteering, school trips and our active PTFA. We also run various workshops for parents throughout the academic year. This helps to create an environment where the children feel happy, confident and secure.


Being part of the Betty Layward community is a pleasure and a privilege. We are a friendly, inspiring and thoroughly inclusive place to learn. 


Thank you for taking the time to look at our website,




Jessica Bailey

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