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At Betty Layward, we aim for all pupils to enjoy mathematics and to have a secure and deep understanding of the key mathematical concepts and procedures throughout primary school and when they leave us to go to secondary school.  We aim for all Betty Layward pupils to have confidence and to see that mathematics is a vital part of developing life skills in their everyday surroundings.

Through following the Singapore teaching for Mastery approach, Betty Layward pupils have the opportunity to challenge themselves, to have high expectations and to have curiosity about the subject.

It is our aim for every child to feel safe and happy in the learning environment. During lessons, pupils have opportunities to dive deeper into mathematical concepts by investigating different strategies, spotting misconceptions and discussing mistakes. We believe that this supports the children to be able to be fluent in number and confidently create links to other areas of mathematics.



How we teach Maths at Betty Layward- Maths No Problem: An Approach to Mastery

The whole class works through the programme of study at the same pace with ample time on each topic before moving on. Ideas are revisited at higher levels as the curriculum spirals through the years.

In Focus- Each lesson begins with an ‘In focus’ task. Pupils often work in groups using concrete materials to solve the problem. The teacher then leads a discussion, using questioning to challenge and move learning forward.

Lets learn- The class use ‘Lets Learn’ to look at various methods in more detail to solve the problem. The questions and examples are carefully varied by expert authors to encourage pupils to think about the maths. Rather than provide mechanical repetition, the examples are designed to deepen pupils’ understanding and reveal misconceptions.

Guided Practice- An opportunity for pupils to work through strategies learnt in the previous parts of the lesson with support when needed. Pupils are to move to using a pictorial and abstract approach when ready.

Workbook- When ready, pupils work independently in workbooks on the lesson focus.

Challenge- Challenges are used to support higher-order thinking skills and explanations.

Differentiated activities

Tasks and activities are designed to be accessible for pupils to enter while still containing challenging components. For advanced learners, the workbooks also contain questions for pupils to develop their higher-order thinking skills.


Problem solving

Lessons and activities are designed to be taught using problem-solving approaches to encourage children’s higher-level thinking. The focus is on working with the children’s core competencies, building on what they know to develop their long-term memory.



The impact of the Maths No Problem programme is for every child to make progress and enjoy mathematics.

The Maths No Problem approach to learning that is used at Betty Layward is recommended by the DfE for schools on the Teaching for Mastery Programme and is fully aligned with the 2014 English national curriculum. MNP textbooks and workbooks are designed using decades of research to ensure a deep, secure understanding of maths in learners of every attainment level.

The pupils at Betty Layward are provided with the resources to:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions



During the first week of the new academic year, children are assessed on their number fluency and reasoning skills to assess all children’s starting points. Year groups 1, 3, 4 and 5 carry out MNP assessment papers in the Autumn, Spring and Summer term. Year groups 2 and 6, carry out MNP assessment papers and past SATs papers every half term.

Pupils complete Prove-its throughout the term to assess prior knowledge after a unit of work has been taught.

All assessments are used to identify gaps in the children’s learning and strengths.

To view Mathematics National Curriculum: Programmes of Study KS1 & KS2 Click here

For Video tutorials on our new KS1 and KS2 maths program 'Maths, No Problem'! Click here

Maths No Problem Parent videos and blog


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