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Guide to the School Library


What’s in the Library:

Fiction: Picture books, Early Readers, Chapter Books, Graphic Novels

Non-fiction (fact) books in a range of topic, Cartoon books, joke books and poetry.

Dyslexia-friendly books: these have a pale yellow pages and an easy-read font. They are suitable for all children (dyslexic or not) who want to read good stories in a shorter book; these go up to year 6 reading level.

Dual-Language books: We have Fiction and Non-fiction books written in English and other languages which are prominent in our local community, includes: Turkish, Bengali, Polish, Spanish, French and many more.


Opening times: Each class visits the library once a week during lesson times. In addition, the library is open during morning break time, when children can read in the library and borrow books, supervised by a member of staff and the school Reading Ambassadors. 


Borrowing and returning:  Children may only borrow one book at a time. They have 3 weeks to read the book, after which time it must be renewed or returned.

If a book is not returned on time (is overdue) the Library computer will not allow another to be borrowed. It is therefore really important that your child makes sure the book has been returned (scanned) into the computer and does not just put it back on the shelves.

Books can be returned at break time, during the class library slot, or by putting the book into the black Returns box outside the library.

Books can be renewed by bringing them back to the library and re-borrowing.


Overdue Books – please check your child’s book bag for letters

1) Class teachers are given lists of overdue books.

2)  Children are given letters to take home.

3) If a book is still not returned, you may be asked to pay for its replacement. If a book has been damaged beyond repair by your child, we will also ask for payment. You can also buy a new book (in good condition) as a replacement


If you receive one of these letters and you believe the book has been returned, please leave a note with you class teacher. 

Mistakes with the computer do occasionally happen and we’d like the opportunity to find the book!

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