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All members of the Betty Layward Primary School community believe that safeguarding and student welfare is the highest priority and work together to ensure that all measures are taken to ensure the safety of our pupils daily.


Our school promotes a rich and diverse learning experience for all students and our staff and governors work hard to ensure the needs of each pupil are met and cared for.


Designated school safeguarding leads:

Jessica Bailey

Salwa Ghanem
Deputy Headteacher

Michael Buck
Assistant Headteacher

Briony Blow
Assistant Headteacher

Cat Gibbons

Inclusion Manager

Adam Roland (Chair of Governors)
Safeguarding Governor

Sally Stewart (Deputy Chair of Governors)

Safeguarding Governor


All staff members are trained in safeguarding procedures, including understanding the signs and indicators of abuse; and how to respond to a disclosure. Visitors to the school are briefed upon arrival on our school safeguarding procedures and where to refer any information.


Please take a moment to review our school's safeguarding and child protection policy:

Safeguarding  Policy 2022-2023

Safeguarding Policy 2021-2022

Safeguarding Policy 2020 and Covid-19 extra

Safeguarding Policy 2019-20


Useful links and resources for families:

CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre

Counselling Directory - is a free, confidential service that will hopefully encourage those in distress to seek help.

Family Lives - Offers support and advice for families.

Useful links and resources for families:

Contact Section