GDPR and Privacy Statement
Information about our General Data Protection Regulation and Privacy Statement.
GDPR and Privacy Statement
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
In May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) were brought into force by the European Commission, to significantly protect personal data and reduce the number of cyber-related crimes. The act details how data can be acquired, the legal basis for personal data being used, how data should be stored and the responsibility that organisations have to rectify any mistakes in the data that is stored. Although some changes to the UK GDPR legislation have been implemented since Brexit, broadly speaking schools have the same responsibilities as detailed within the EU GDPR legislation.
At Betty Layward Primary School we take data security very seriously as we appreciate the consequences of data being shared inappropriately or incorrectly and the implications this can have on everybody involved. All staff have yearly GDPR and acceptable use training, to ensure that we are all aware of our collective responsibility to comply with GDPR legislation. We review the GDPR compliance and privacy notices of organisations we use and only share appropriate data. Almost all of the personal data that we process or share, is due to our legal or legitimate requirements to comply with our statutory obligations as a school. We seek parents’ permission to use, share and publicise any materials not covered by these statutory requirements – such as school photographs, using photos in school publicity materials, Instagram accounts etc. This permission is sought annually and parents also have to right to withdraw such permission. We similarly seek permission from the Betty Layward staff team to use data and images that are not covered by of our statutory obligations.