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School Clubs

Extended School


At The Betty Layward Primary School we believe that: Pupils who participate in extra activities do better academically, have more positive attitudes to learning and attend school more often.


There is considerable evidence nationally that a range of aspects of extended schools provision can lead to improvements in pupil achievement, engagement in learning and self-esteem, narrowing the gap in particular for some of our most vulnerable pupils. Extended schools is therefore a high priority to develop at Betty Layward and to plan for the vision for the future.


Our Aims:

We aim to achieve the following through our extended school provision:

  • To offer a broad range of quality clubs where children can develop skills within their chosen areas of interest (for example, sports, music, the arts etc)
  • To offer club opportunities to all children in Years R – Y6, aspiring for all children to take part in at least 1 club.
  • To provide childcare, especially to support parents who work, from 3.15pm when school ends until 5.45pm each day.
  • To ensure clubs offered enable children to develop in a range of ways: for example, their confidence, independence and social skills as well as their chosen skills in a particular area.
  • To target children for particular clubs based on their needs: for example, breakfast club, or academic booster clubs.
  • To offer opportunities for family learning and adult learning: for example, parent and child clubs or parent workshops.
  • To effectively liaise with a wide range of additional agencies to signpost parents towards the support that they may need, and to offer cohesive support: for example, school, healthcare and social care all working together.


Breakfast Club:

Breakfast Club runs from 7.30am start or 8.00am start in the school hall. The children can start the day with a healthy breakfast and play games before the school day begins. Children in R-Y6 can attend Breakfast club.  


Premier Education:

Premier Education runs from 3.15 –  5.45pm  every day and includes a range of exciting activities for all ages (Reception to year 6). Children must be in Reception before starting Premier Education. This term we have introduced art activities, face painting, den building, cooking and many other new activities for the children to enjoy.

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