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Read more about the PTFA.

The PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association) was formed when The Betty Layward Primary School first opened in 2000. On joining the school, you automatically become a member of our organisation.


Our aim is to support the children of Betty Layward by developing effective relationships between staff, parents and others associated with the school. We engage in activities and provide facilities and equipment to support the school and advance the education of the children.



We hold fundraising events throughout the year such as: summer and winter fairs, a jumble sale, an end of year summer party, a quiz night and regular ‘bake for books’ cake sales.


Over the last few years we have raised on average £15,000 per annum and used these funds to provide items such as:

  • books
  • coach hire
  • theatre visits
  • musical instruments
  • nursery equipment
  • audio visual equipment
  • sports kit
  • playground facilities



One of the main functions of our PTFA is to bring people together. We do this through the events we organise. We always encourage everybody to get involved as it is such a great way to get to know staff and other parents.

It is also valuable for our children to see their parents and teachers working together to make their school such a wonderful environment. It teaches them about the power of volunteering and demonstrates the amazing things that can be achieved when everybody contributes in whatever way they can.


As new parents to the school the PTFA events will always help you meet other parents within the school community.


Each class at Betty Layward has a PTFA class representative.  The role of the class reps is to disseminate information about what the PTFA is doing and to encourage parents and staff to get involved in activities and events.


Help is always needed!

Whether acting as a class rep, helping out on a fair stall or running a cake sale, your participation will be greatly appreciated and very rewarding.



The PTFA meets together formally once each term in the school hall.

The first term meeting (usually in October) is the AGM and is used to decide on funding proposals for the year ahead. We look forward to seeing you there!


Further Information

You can find out more on this website, via your class rep, on the PTFA Facebook page or in the newsletter each week. However, the best way is to get involved!

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