PTFA Funding 2019
Funded items for the 2019/2020 school year
Yearly items:
- Bake for Books
- Y6 PGL Coach
- Y6 Leavers Book
- Y5 Coach
- Y5 Cycling
- Y3 Chess
- School Christmas Lunch
- Class Gift Kitty
- End of Year Surprise
Teacher and Parent bids:
- Stage
- Music group (Barney)
- ICT Resources
- Atlases for Geography
- Maths resources
- 6 Gazebos and 10 Gazebo weights
- Rabbits for game
- Headphones
- CD player for PE
- Welly Wall and Wellies
- Easel for EYFS
- Reception outdoor equipment
Books (to be funded from Bake for Books raised money):
- Books for club
- Books for home readers