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PTA Frequently Asked Questions

What subjects should I ask the school administration about (and not the PTFA class reps)?

The following areas are managed by the school and therefore any questions relating to these should be addressed to the school administration rather than the PTFA class reps:

  • After Cool Club (ACC)
  • Breakfast Club
  • After School Clubs
  • Parents Evening
  • Creche
  • Email address of staff
  • Grandparents Week
  • Family Friday
  • Packed Lunches and School Dinners
  • Homework
  • Making Payments


How often do the PTFA hold meetings?

Once every term. You will be informed of the date by your class rep. Everyone is welcome to attend.


How do I become a class rep?

Class reps are usually decided at the start of the school year by volunteering yourself. Don’t feel like you need to do it alone, some classes have 2 or even 3 reps to help spread the load.


What is the money raised by the PTFA spent on?

Each year there are a number of set items that are budgeted for. These include:

  • Bake for Books (see below)
  • Y6 PGL Coach
  • Y6 Leavers Book
  • Y5 Coach
  • Y5 Cycling
  • Y3 Chess
  • School Christmas Lunch
  • Class Gift Kitty
  • End of Year Surprise

The remainder of any funds raised from the previous year is allocated to approved funding bids (see below).


How do the yearly funding bids work?

Parents, carers and teachers can submit funding bids to the PTFA to run projects or buy equipment that will benefit the school and our community.

A few points for those making a bid to note:

  • All bids must reflect and contribute to our PTFA shared values, which are to help enhance the education of the children attending the school.
  • Each bid must be approved by the headteacher.
  • Whilst we will pay for materials that will enable parents and carers to run projects, we are unable to pay them for their time. Parents and carers would be expected to volunteer their time and expertise to projects when they apply for funds.
  • Bids must be emailed to the headteacher. The bids that have been approved by the head teacher will be announced at the AGM. Details of these bids will also be available on the school website and on the PTFA noticeboard.
  • If the total of the approved bids exceeds the funding available, there will then be an online vote, which will take place shortly after the AGM, allowing members of the school community to vote for those bids that they would like to succeed.


When are the “Bake for Books” sales?

They happen every fortnight or so and are shared between two years. Your class rep will let you know when you class’ sale is happening and how you can help.


How do “Bake for Books” sales work?

You class rep will inform you when it’s your class’ turn to run the Bake for Books sale. 3 to 4 volunteers will be needed from each year to help set up at about 3pm (usually on a Friday), sell cakes and then tidy up afterwards. This usually takes 30-40 minutes in total if not less. The cash float and cakes are collected from the school reception. The tables from Terry. There is a box of items needed, table cloth, napkins, knife and paper bags in the PTFA shed.

The cakes (or biscuits, muffins, cookies or even something savoury etc.) are provided by the 2 years and can be homemade or shop brought but must not contain alcohol or nuts. If you are able to provide cakes you can bring them in at pick up or give them to the school reception at any point during the day.


What are “Bake for Books”sales for?

All proceed from the sales go towards buying new books and reading materials for the school in general and the library.

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