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Newsletter Friday 24th January 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have had a busy week at Betty Layward. On Thursday we were lucky enough to have a special visit from Inge Jongkheere, an environmental engineer for the European Space Agency (ESA). Inge is currently working on designing rockets that will be used to survey the effects of climate change on our planet. Inge shared with the children some of the exciting experiences astronauts encounter when they travel into space. She also highlighted the importance of having more females involved in space exploration. Out of 700 people who have been to space only 60 have been female. The children were extremely enthusiastic about Inge's talk and they had so many questions. We are certain we could have filled another hour simply by asking and answering questions. We would also like to say a massive thank you to Barbara who arranged this opportunity for us.


Last week both Reception classes went to the Puppet Theatre Barge in Little Venice. The children enjoyed a performance of Captain Sandy and the Sea Monster. The performance was really magical and the children were lucky enough to meet the puppeteers and ask them some questions. They even got a special demonstration of how to do a seagull's cry. This was Reception’s first trip and they did amazingly well and we were very proud of them. Well done Reception.


We have individual photos on Monday and Tuesday next week. Here is the timetable so that you know when your child’s photo is –


Nursery-morning children and full-time

Y4 Fuchsia

Y2 Apricot

Y2 Peach

Y3 Jade

Y6 Chilli

Y6 Ruby

Nursery-afternoon children

Y1 Lavender

Y5 Saffron

Y3 Emerald 




Y4 Cerise

Y5 Buttercup

Y1 Violet

Catch up photos and sibling photos


Our heating boiler needs a new part and we hope this will be fitted on Tuesday so the children will need an extra layer for Monday and Tuesday. Luckily the weather has not been too cold. Fingers crossed we can get it repaired next week.


Have a lovely weekend,






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