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Newsletter Friday 18th October 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have had a busy and great week. Year went to Woodberry Wetlands which tied into their science topic of habitats. The children looked at a variety of habitats and microhabitats, including grass, under logs, trees and ponds, and did some pond dipping. They found woodlice, worms, beetles, newt lava, newts, water hog louse, leopard slugs, centipedes and spiders. They had a great time and were really well behaved. Well done Year 2.


As part of our Black History Month celebrations, we have had some visitors in this week to talk to the children. Diane Abbott visited on Monday and told the children about her journey to becoming the first black female Member of Parliament in 1987. She was clear about her message of being whoever you want to be and not giving up. The children also asked some great questions. We had two Police Community Support Officers visit on Tuesday and they shared their stories in the assembly and discussed the theme for Black History Month, Reclaiming the Narrative with the children and what it means to them. Moses and Beverly (the PCSOs) shared their stories from growing up in Nigeria and Jamaica and how they continued to learn in Britain to land their dream jobs of working for the MET police. They both passed on the important message of how we can all work together to continue to learn about Black History.


Thank you for attending our Black History Month event today. It was great. Well done to Eva and her Grandad for singing before school as everyone walked in and for singing at the event too. Well done to the parents who organised it and thank you for your support. It was really good fun and the food was delicious.


Thank you to the Grandparents who came in this week. It was great to see you and the children love having you visit. I know we have some more coming in next week, which is great.


 To raise funds for both primary schools, a group of Betty Layward dads will be playing against a Grazebrook veterans’ team on Saturday, 19th October (Stoke Newington School pitch), at 4.30 pm. You can support them by donating on this page: Please come along to applaud their incredible slow-motion skills and efforts to run. Thank you for your support and thank you to the Betty Layward Dads for doing this.


Please remember to sign up for your parents and carers meeting. We look forward to seeing you there.


Have a lovely weekend,



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