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Newsletter Friday 14th June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have had a great busy week and this interchangeable weather has not got us down.


Buttercup class performed an excellent assembly all about Benin. Benin has a wonderful rich history. The children taught us about Benin; a powerful and wealthy kingdom in West Africa. Geographically it was perfectly situated for trading its high-quality goods with other African kingdoms.  We learnt that Benin was well known for its impressive arts and crafts as well as the crops produced by its farmers. All the children worked well together to produce this assembly and were clear and confident with their lines. Well done Buttercup class.


Well done to some children in Year 4 who held a cake sale to collect 20ps for their class. Luna, Kitty and Beth did a marvellous job by raising £40.75 so their class already have a healthy contribution for 20p day. Well done to these children and I hope everyone else is collecting their 20ps too.


We held our new Reception meeting yesterday and it was lovely to see parents and carers who are already here and to welcome new families. Thank you to those of you who attended.


Today we start our foodbank for the local Stoke Newington community. This will run every Friday from 2:10 to 2:40 by the Daniel House gate during term time. We would also really appreciate any donations for this foodbank. They could be dried goods, pasta, tins, sanitary products, shampoo, toothpaste, soap, etc. There will be a bin at school for these donations to be placed in. Your child can bring them in too. Thank you for your support with this.


Congratulations on all the fundraising for our solar panels. We are nearly at the amount needed. This is fantastic as it should cut our electricity bills by about half and at the moment this bill is not cheap. It is also much better for the environment. The panels are due to be installed during the summer holidays which is really exciting.


Well done to Raja, Felix, Jaiden and Noah in Year 4 who presented a wonderful assembly on how to work well as a team in sports. They were brilliant and had worked hard in preparing a lot of information. Well done. 


Well done to Morley in Year 2 who entered the 2024 Global Young Journalist Awards. Morley was shortlisted and advanced to the final stage of the evaluation process. This is truly a remarkable accomplishment, and we hope Morley takes pride in his exceptional work. It is amazing that Morley was among the top entries as this is a fantastic achievement, especially given the high number of submissions that were received this year. Morley wrote an article about a parent at the school who had run a marathon.


We will be running a workshop on online safety on Thursday 27th June at 3.30pm in the school hall. We will be discussing practical tips to make sure children stay safe online. Please put the date in your diary, we would really like to see you there as this is a really important topic and keeping children safe online is essential. We look forward to seeing you there.  


Thank you to those of you who have already bought a silent disco ticket for your child. This is on Friday 5th July from 4:30-5:30pm. Parents and carers do not need to stay but if you would like to volunteer to help please let me know. This is for all children from Nursery to Year 6. I am really looking forward to it and tickets are still available from Max in the office. They are £4 per child and include a couple of treats. The children do not need to bring any money.


The Summer Fair is on Saturday 13th July and we will need volunteers. Please sign up if you would like to help. We do really need as much help as possible and this is a great event for our children as well as other families and people in the community. We will be having an Own Clothes Day for the children on Friday 12th June. The children can wear their own clothes and we ask in return that they bring in a donation of chocolates, alcohol, unused toiletries or unused toys. Thank you for these as these items are essential for the Fair. We are really looking forward to it.


May your feast be the best this Eid. Eid Mubarak. May this day bring love, happiness, harmony and joy in your life. Happy Eid to all of you.



Have a lovely weekend,





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