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Newsletter Friday 13th September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


Our first whole week back has been great. The new Reception and Nursery children have settled in brilliantly and we are so proud of them. It is like they have been here for ages. When I pop into the classrooms they are happy, focused and having a great time. Well done Reception and Nursery.  Welcome to all our new families as well. 


We have our International Food Welcome Event next Friday (20th September). This starts after school and there will be delicious food and drinks. You pay £8 for an adult plate and £4 for a child's plate. We also ask for donations of food. It would be much appreciated if you could make something or donate a dish. It is a really nice event and gives new families to meet others and it is also lovely to see all our familiar families. Please donate and please come. 


Betty Layward has been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag. Well done to Emma (year 6 teacher), the children in the eco committee and all the other children and adults who made this happen. We are very proud of this. The Eco-Schools Green Flag is the perfect way to acknowledge, reward and celebrate the ecological achievements of young people. It clearly demonstrates that their hard work is appreciated, and it provides them with the confidence and motivation needed to continue actively engaging with environmental issues throughout their lifetimes. Finally, it also tells local communities that we are forward-thinking and promote child-led environmental education and action.


Thank you for returning the letters of interest about your child learning a new instrument. The instrument lessons we have remaining for children in years 2 - 6 are trumpet, violin, flute, clarinet and saxophone. Please email if you would like to book your child into lessons for the year or would like more information. 


On Wednesday, we had the first online safety assembly of the year. We discussed the SMART online safety guidelines, and that children should always speak to an adult if they see anything that worries them online. All children will be signing a 'safe internet use in school' agreement next week. 


Please check you have downloaded the Arbor app. Please set up an account. Any problems let us know and Rebecca ( deals with payments so please get in touch with her if there are any issues with those.


Children can bring in individual cupcakes for their birthday. We cannot allow large cakes, sweets or any other items. Please make or buy items that do not contain nuts as we are a nut-free school. Thank you.


Please can I remind you that the gate opens for Years 3, 4,5 and 6 is at 8:50. The children can walk in on their own. We then let Years 2, 1, Reception and Nursery in at 8:55 and they need to be accompanied by an adult. We ask that you walk all the way round and out of that car park gate. The only reason to come back to the front gate is if your child needs to collect their bike or scooter. This avoids congestion. Please could you pass this information on to other people who drop off or collect your child. That would be really appreciated. Thank you. 


We have Grandparent's Week coming up during the week beginning 21st October. This is a lovely opportunity when Grandparents can come into their grandchild’s class and read a story or talk to them about an interest. More details will follow. 

Please can you ensure you have completed the form about who can pick your child up. Thanks.


Please remember to check the calendar on the website for dates. You can link your own calendar to it and it will automatically transfer dates over. We have meet the teacher sessions coming up and we would really like to see you there.


Have a lovely weekend. Hopefully, the sun will continue to shine,






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