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Newsletter Friday 7th October

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have had a really good week. The children are really settled and working very hard. They are really looking after the playground and keeping it tidy too. I am really impressed. Please can you make sure all your child’s clothes are labelled with their name as items are often left around school. Please can I remind you that children are not allowed to wear crocs at school.


Year 6 Chilli got to the British Museum this week and had a look around. Ruby class unfortunately didn’t make it. The member of staff leading the workshops was not well so they had to cancel at short notice. Sorry Year 6.

Please can I remind you the main school entry gates will close at 9am and if your child arrives after that time they will be marked in as late. KS2 come into school between 8:50am and 8:55am and Nursery, Reception and KS1 come into school at 8:55am-9:00am. Please arrive to school during these times.


I know some parents have said they cannot read this newsletter on the Teachers2Parents App. If you are finding it hard please delete the app and the newsletter will come through as a regular text, which you can click on and the newsletter should come up on your phone. Any problems please let me know. I hope you are enjoying our new website.


Thank you for attending the Meet the Teacher sessions this week. I hope you found them useful. We have put all the slides from the meetings on the website. We are also putting every year group’s newsletters on the website too so please take a look.

We have spaces for instrumental lessons for Year 2 to Year 6 children for flute and trombone. Please email me if you would like your children to learn one of these instruments.


We work alongside a great company called Streetbox who provide delicious fruit and vegetables. If you sign up and order from them the school get a free box for every box you order. The children really enjoy this at playtime. I have attached a flyer. Thank you for your support with this.


If your child has a stomach bug- sickness or diarrhea please ensure that they are off school for 48 hours. The 48 hours has to start after the last bout of sickness or diarrhea as the child can still be contagious for that time. Thank you for doing this as it helps to stop the spread in school.


Thank you for supporting us with the mini-marathon. I hope the sponsorship is going well.


Have a lovely weekend,



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