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Newsletter Friday 19th July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


Wow; this is the last newsletter of this academic year and what a great year it has been. We have happy children who work extremely hard, a successful Ofsted, many wonderful events and so much more.  Thank you for all your support; contributions, time and kind words. It means a lot. We love having your children and I feel so lucky to be the headteacher of such a fabulous school. The staff are amazing and really care about each individual child. Thank you to them for all their hard work and dedication. 


We say goodbye to Year 6. They have been and are fantastic. They went to Norfolk this week and had a great time even though there was a lot of rain one day. They were extremely well behaved and brilliantly supported each other in every challenge. It demonstrated how great these children are - independent, kind, supportive, hard-working and so much more. We are so proof of you, Year 6 and wish you happiness for your next journey. Well done. Your secondary school is so lucky to have you. 


We have a new after school care provider starting in September called Premier Education. We have sent you a flyer with details and information on how to register. Any questions please contact them. 


Thank you for supporting and attending all our events - the events during school time and the events during weekends and evenings. We really appreciate all of the PTFA’s hard work and the fabulous amount of money they have raised. The summer fair was fabulous and raised £8000. That’s incredible. Well done everyone. Thank you for all your time and support with this. 


Please could your child bring in their 20ps on Monday. Thank you for supporting us with this. 


We hope you have the best holiday and summer. I hope the sun shines and we look forward to seeing you in September and welcoming new families. 


Years 1-6 start on Wednesday 4th September at normal school time. Children new to Reception start at 9:15am on Monday 9th September and children joining Reception from our Nursery start at 9:15 on Tuesday 10th September. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are until 12pm and Thursday is 9am - 1pm including lunch. From Friday 13th September the Reception children will be staying full time.


We have home visits for new Nursery children on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th September. Nursery children start on Monday 9th September. Please see the dates sent out for start and finish times. 


We close on Tuesday at 1pm for the summer holidays and there are no clubs or Junior Adventure Group on that day. 



Have a great summer and see you in September,




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