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Newsletter Friday 10th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


We are so glad that the sun is shining. Long may it last. We have had a busy week. Elsie and Lizzie led a brilliant assembly on street art and they taught us all about different types of street art and different street artists. Well done Elsie and Lizzie. The assembly was absolutely marvellous.


Peach class performed a wonderful assembly about the Wright Brothers and flight. It was amazing. The children were confident and clear with their lines and worked brilliantly together. Well done Peach class, you should be proud of yourselves.


Thank you to those of you who attended the Maths workshop this week. We hope you found it useful.


Our Year 6 children have their SATs next week. They have worked incredibly hard and we are really proud of them. The children know they are more than just SATs results. They are wonderful, kind, responsible, creative and independent people. We are incredibly proud of them. Good luck Year 6 for next week. We think you are all amazing.


Quite a few children are arriving after the door and the gates shut. Can you please ensure they are here on time. Thank you for supporting with this. 


The Summer Fair is on 13th July and not 6th July. Please ensure this date is in your diary.


Thank you for supporting us with the children collecting 20ps. We will be counting them on Monday 22nd July.  Please keep collecting as every 20p makes a difference.


I hope you enjoy the sunshine this weekend,



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