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Betty Layward Primary School home page

Friday 22nd September 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you have had a good week. Thank you to those of you who helped and donated food for the Welcome Event this afternoon. It was all delicious. It was lovely to see so many of you there and I thank you for all your support. It is a really lovely event and an opportunity to all meet up after the holidays.


We were all really pleased to receive a letter this week about our Year 6 SATs results and how well our children did. Please see the attached photo. Well done to our children and our staff for the excellent outcomes.


We have started working with Opal to develop our lunchtime provision and I have resent the questionnaire. Please complete it if you haven’t already. It is really exciting and the changes will be happening soon.


Thank you to those of you who attended the Meet the Teacher’s meetings. There are more next week and the week after. We hope you were able to see some of the newly decorated classrooms upstairs.


On the 19th September, during London Design Festival Week (16 - 24th September), our Eco Warriors went to a local shop, Know and Love, on Church Street to look at designers and artists who are leading the way on sustainability. They really enjoyed the trip and a big thank you to Know and Love for providing the workshop.


A big well done to Charlie and Lily who raised £21 for Project Renovate by selling cakes. Fantastic work and well done. 


Please can you ensure your child is not scooting on the road on the way to school and on the way home, especially if they are not wearing a helmet. I know it is a school road but cars can appear unexpectedly. The cameras are now up so please do not drive down between the hours of 8:30-9:30am and 3-4pm. You will get a fine if you do.


We are putting the dates of events on the school website calendar. You can subscribe to it and then it will put the events in your diary.


We are organising more trips for the children this year. From Year 1 to Year 6 there will two art trips or workshops and two religious education trips as well as three or four trips or workshops per class per year. We are really looking forward to these and you will receive more information soon.


Have a lovely weekend,



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