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Friday 11th October 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


It has been a great week at Betty Layward. Year 6, Ruby class presented a wonderful assembly on the Grimm’s Fairy Tales. They were amazing with their acting and singing. Well done Ruby class.


Thank you for those of you who attended Family Friday in Reception today. It was lovely to see you there.


Please remember it is Grandparent’s week next week and we are looking forward to seeing the Grandparents here at school.


On Wednesday 16th October we havei our Black History event in school from 3:30pm. Please purchase a ticket. We look forward to seeing you there and thank you to the parents who are organising this.


Thank you for your donations for the Harvest Festival. We will be donating these to our food bank. We would still really appreciate more donations. 


Last Thursday, 3rd October, the children celebrated National Poetry Day. This was a chance for all children to share in the pleasures of poetry. From schools to libraries, over 1.5 million people participated in this national celebration. This year the theme was COUNTING.  The children explored different poetic forms and structures. The children enjoyed creating their own prose using rhyme, free verse, paean, and alliteration. I have attached some of the amazing poems that the children have created. Well done to Ajanhi (Year 4), Sylvie (Year 4), Zahra (Year 4), Salome (Year 3), Skylar (Year 3) and Stanley (Year 3)


Have a lovely weekend,



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