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Newsletter Thursday 25th May

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for a brilliant half term. Thank you for your kindness and support. We hope you enjoyed BLastonbury. We really did. Thank you for coming and supporting too.


Just a few dates for your diary -  Friday 16th June is Sports Day and Nursery, Reception and KS1 will be in the morning and KS2 will be in the afternoon. It will be in Clissold Park and we look forward to seeing you there.


We have Parents and Carers Week the week beginning 26th June and we will send you more details nearer the time. This is a lovely afternoon when you can come and enjoy some outdoor activities with your child’s class.


Our last parents’ meetings will be on Thursday 13th July and we will close at 1pm that day.


Thank you to all the parents, carers, family members and children who ran the Hackney Half and the final mile. I was so impressed with the amount of people who ran and supported the event. Thank you. It has raised over £6000 so far and we know there is more sponsorship money to come. Very impressive. A big thank you to the organisers too.


I hope you have a lovely bank holiday and half term and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 5th June,



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