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Newsletter Friday 9th June 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back after half term. I hope you had a good week. The sun is beginning to shine which is lovely to see. It was also lovely to see all the children back and coming into school with big smiles on their faces.


We are thrilled we have a new counsellor and her name is Arti. She will be working with us on Tuesdays and Fridays. Artie will be helping children with friendships, worries and also working 1:1 with children. She is really looking forward to meeting you all.  We have introduced her to the children.


Class assemblies for this term are -

Ruby – Wednesday 14th June at 9:10am

Apricot – Wednesday 21st June at 9:10am

Cerise – Wednesday 28th June at 9:10am


We have our Sports Day next Friday and we are really looking forward to seeing you there. Please remember to put suntan cream on your child before school. It looks like it will be a warm day but luckily not as hot as last year. Your child will also need to bring a bottle of water labelled with their name. We ask that you stay behind the barriers to allow the children to participate in the activities. There will be a toddlers and parents and carer’s race at the end of each session.


I ask that you do attend our workshop on Internet Safety on Wednesday 21st June at 3:30pm. It is really important that you know and understand the risks of your children being online and how you can help and support them in being safe.


Well done to Iris and Willow, who raised £79.50 for Project Renovate by baking cookies and cakes in the half term and selling them. This was greatly received and the cakes and cookies looked delicious. Well done Iris and Willow.


On Wednesday 7th June, children from year 5 and 6 took part in a football competition at Mabley Green. Well done to the boys and girls’ team and thank you to the parent volunteer for their help and support.


Eliza received an award for being the top goal scorer for the girl’s league with 20 plus goals. Well done Eliza, that is impressive.


Simon won Coach of the Year. We were not surprised as he does such an amazing job. Well done Simon and thank you for all your hard work with running all the competitions.


Please remember to keep saving those 20ps. We will be collecting them towards the end of this term. We really appreciate your support with this.


Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine,



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