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Newsletter Friday 9th February 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


I cannot believe we have come to the end of another term and we are also halfway through the school year. It has been a great first half and we are looking forward to the second half.


We have been busy this week. Emerald class performed a wonderful assembly on the Ancient Egyptians and we learnt a lot. They were confident, had learnt all their lines and sang beautifully. It was very impressive. Well done Emerald class.


We have really enjoyed celebrating Kindness Day today and the children looked great wearing yellow. Each child has been given a daffodil bulb in a pot to grow at home. They learnt about the importance of nurturing and taking care of something and they also know this is how we should treat each other. Enjoy nurturing the bulbs at home.

Year 3 went on a trip to the British Museum today and they really enjoyed it. Year 6 have had a workshop with a local artist today and have produced some lovely pieces of artwork.


We have increased the number of trips and workshops to six this year. These are a wonderful opportunity for children to learn in different ways and to experience new things. They really enjoy them and are a valuable part of school life. Unfortunately, we are lacking funds and parent volunteers for these trips and if this continues we may not be able to have so many. We do say the trip payment is voluntary but if you are able to pay for it and can contribute we would really appreciate it as only about 20% of each trip is being paid for and we cannot keep funding 80% of each one. It is easy to pay on Arbor. If you are not able to pay I also completely understand. I just want trips to be able to continue. If you can accompany a school trip we would also really appreciate it as we have had a few trips with no parent helpers. We cannot always provide enough adults so any help is welcome. Thank you for your support with this.


The children enjoyed their Lunar New Year lunch today, especially the fortune cookies. I wish all our families and carers success and good luck in the Year of the Dragon.


I would like to say a massive thank you for all your continued support and kindness. I hope you have a lovely break next week and we look forward to seeing the children back on Tuesday 20th February 2024 at normal school time.


Have a lovely weekend,



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