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Newsletter Friday 7th June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope you had a lovely half term. I cannot believe it is the last week of term before the summer holidays. Where has the time gone? It is the last term for our Year 6 so we will ensure they have the best ending. The children are and have been amazing this year and are very ready for their next adventure to their new year group.


We have a new special event for the children. There will be a silent disco in the playground at 4:30pm -5:30pm on Friday 5th July. Tickets are £4 per child and will be on sale before and after school on Monday. The children will need to bring a named water bottle and other snacks will be provided, which is included in the ticket price. They will not need to bring any money. We are really looking forward to seeing all the children dancing in the playground with their headphones on.


Nursery had a family morning this morning when parents and carers came in and it was really lovely to see parents and carers having a lovely time with their children. Thank you for coming and supporting the morning. It looked like everyone had a great time.

A new order of PE T-shirts has been made and I am hoping they will be here by the end of next week. Sorry for the delay.


Hopefully, the weather is improving. I have reminded the children to wear hats and to apply sunscreen before school.


We have a lot of children off school at the moment with an upset stomach. We really do not want this to spread further so we ask that you follow the school guidelines and that your child does not return to school until 48 hours after their LAST bout of sickness or diarrhoea. Thank you for your support with this.


We are really looking forward to this term and all the lovely events taking place. Please ensure that you have all the dates in your calendar.


Have a lovely weekend,



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