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Newsletter Friday 3rd November 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Our Week of Work has been a great success. Each year group has really enjoyed getting involved with their different themes and learning about different jobs. They have worked well in groups and have been really good at explaining all the activities they have been doing. It has been a great week for children to have the opportunity to learn about different careers and what life in work is like. I hope the children have been telling you all about it too. Please see the attached photos.


I look forward to seeing parents and carers of Fuchsia class at their assembly on Wednesday 8th November at 9:15am.


We hope you have signed up for a parent/carer meeting on Thursday. We look forward to seeing you there. The creche is only for children during your appointment time. It is not for the duration of the afternoon/evening. Junior Adventure Group will be here from 1pm-6pm. Please book on their website, as we cannot authorise children attending if you have not booked. Children are welcome to attend the appointment with you. School closes for all children at 1pm and clubs will be made up at another time. 

On Tuesday 31st October the Betty Layward football team took part in the Hackney football league against Mossbourne Riverside. There were victories for both our girls and boys’ team. The girls won 2-0 with both goals coming from Bonnie and the goals were shared out between the boys as they triumphed with a 7-0 victory. Well done everyone, we are proud of you all.


The Billie Jean King Cup Play Off tie against Sweden is taking place at the Copper Box Arena on 11th and 12th November, which is local to us. There is a unique opportunity for us to be involved in this amazing event.

In collaboration with Hackney Tennis, this offer included:

  • An assembly (or equivalent) session that will give a brief history and background of (i) Billie Jean King (ii) the Billie Jean King Cup and the upcoming tie (iii) supporting female participation in sport/tennis
  • The opportunity for a class to watch a Billie Jean King Cup Team Practice session and attend the Official Draw at The Copper Box Arena on Friday 10th November ’23
  • A day of tennis taster sessions organised and delivered by your local venue

One class was allowed to attend the above so we made it fair and put all the names of the KS2 classes in a cup and asked a parent to pick one out this morning at assembly and Buttercup class was chosen. Well done Buttercup class. More information will follow.


I hope you have a lovely weekend,






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