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Newsletter Friday 26th January 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have had a lovely busy week this week and the children have been presenting their projects which are amazing. Thank you for your support with this. Year 6 had a lovely visit to the London Buddhist Centre. They really enjoyed it and were very well behaved. Well done Year 6.


We are going to have a Kindness Day on Friday 9th February. This will be part of Mental Health Week. The children can wear their own clothes but we ask them to wear the colour yellow to represent kindness. We will be doing some lovely activities that week too.


Aunt Joy, an online gallery exhibiting contemporary art created by women, is excited to announce ‘Girls Like Us’. A collaboration series launching on International Women's Day bringing together the incredible talent of creative young girls with established & emerging artists, a little hint at the future of art by women. Aunt Joy would like to invite girls between the ages of 8-14 to create an artwork based on JOY, and email to by 7th February. This is bringing together established female artists with future female artists to create collaborative works around the theme of JOY. We will be asking girls at school if they would like to take part but you are also welcome to do this at home. Here is the website -


On Tuesday 23rd January, children from year 5 took part in a football match against Millfields and St John and St James primary schools. Despite the results, the team showed great character, determination and teamwork. Well done everyone.


I have asked the children to be independent and carry their own school bag to and from school. This does not mean they give it to you as they walk out of the front gates either. I have let them know I am monitoring this. I feel this is important as the bag belongs to them. Thank you for your support with this.


Please can I ask that you do not wait at the front gates at drop off and at pick up. Please keep that area completely clear as Key Stage 2 children are finding it hard to enter and exit. Please can you wait across the road. Thank you as it is important to keep the entrance clear.


Have a lovely weekend,



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