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Newsletter Friday 26th April 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


Happy World Earth Day from Monday. The children have had a great week celebrating World Earth Day as they had outdoor lessons and made a class junk model out of materials that could be recycled whilst thinking about how we could all help save our planet. Please see the attached photos. They presented these in their Star of the Week and Kindness Award assemblies. They were great and the children really enjoyed making them and learnt about looking after our planet at the same time. 


Saffron class presented an amazing assembly this week on the rainforest and the different animals and creatures who live there. It was fabulous. The children were very confident, spoke clearly and taught us an amazing amount of facts. It was very impressive. Well done Saffron class. 


We are practising for Blastonbury and are really looking forward to it. The theme this year is music acts who have headlined or played at Glastonbury. You are in for a treat. It is taking place at 2pm on Thursday 23rd May.


Well done to the PTFA for raising about £2500 at the Vintage Clothes Fair last night. That is amazing. Thank you for all your donations. Thank you to the organisers and those of you who helped and went. That is a great result. We have Disco Bingo tonight and are looking forward to seeing you there. We feel very lucky to have such kind and supportive parents and carers at Betty Layward and everything you do really does make a difference to the children and school. A massive thank you to all of you.  


PE t-shirts will be on sale every Wednesday from the school office. You will be able to use card as payment.  


Please ensure you look at the calendar on the website as the summer term dates are on there. 


Have a lovely weekend,






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