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Newsletter Friday 24th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for all your support and kind words about Blastonbury. The children were amazing and you were a great audience. I am always so impressed with what the children can do. They shine all the time. Their singing was amazing and I believe that all the artists and bands whose songs they sang would have been very impressed. Well done to all the Betty Layward children. We would have sung Praise Me again but it had become too hot. We will do it another time. A massive thank you to Luke and all the adults who helped. Thank you for coming and for all your support.


I cannot believe that today is the last day of another term and we only have one term left before the end of the academic year. We have a lot to look forward to next term including Sports Day. Please check the school calendar on the website for the dates. We also have Parents and Carer’s week during the week beginning 8th July and you will be given a date and time when you can come and join in with an activity, e.g. rounders with your child. This is really fun and we look forward to seeing you there. 


The children had a brilliant day last Saturday running the final mile of the Hackney Half Marathon that all of the Betty Layward children have been doing at school this year. 


Did any of your children manage to run their final mile last weekend or perhaps they will get a chance over half term? We will keep the GoFundMe page open over the next 10 days just in case anyone has not managed to send the link out to family and friends. Please continue to give paper sponsorship forms and cash to Max at Reception. The GoFundMe link is listed below. 


We do have a lot of cases of nits at the moment and they seem to be jumping from head to head. Please can you check and treat your child on a regular basis and we would love to see less of them. Please click on the link below for some guidance about nits.  Thank you for supporting us with this.


Have a really lovely bank holiday weekend and half term and we look forward to seeing you all for a great last term.




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