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Newsletter Friday 1st December 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


The Christmas tree is up (thanks to Olivia, a parent, for decorating it so beautifully) and we are getting ready for the Winter Fair tomorrow. Thank you to those of you who have offered to help. We really need the help. I am really looking forward to seeing you there so please come and help raise funds for the school. Thank you for all your donations. They are also greatly appreciated.


Year 6 attended the Hackney Junior Citizenship workshop on Thursday. The children participated in talks from representatives of the police service, fire brigade, TFL (underground services and bus services) and health professions. The year 6 children learnt valuable life skills to make them more aware of what they can do to help themselves, and others, make responsible decisions for a healthier, safer lifestyle. 

On Wednesday, 8 children from KS2 attended the Hackney Panathlon at the Britannia Leisure Centre. They played a variety of games including bowling, the bean bag throw and curling. The children had a lot of fun and each came away with a medal and a certificate for taking part. Well done to these children. Great work.


All our Christmas activities are about to begin. Please ensure you have the dates for all the performances in your diary. For the nativity each parent will be given two tickets for the performance. Year 1 in the morning and reception in the afternoon of Wednesday 13th December. We can only give two tickets per child due to the size of the hall. A letter will be coming home soon. Year 2 – 6 will be performing in the church on 19th December. We are having a Carol evening for families to attend on Wednesday 13th December from 5-6pm. Tickets are for sale in the office and are £5 for adults and children are free. Refreshments will also be provided. Please come and get your tickets from the office on Monday onwards.


Please can you make sure your child is wearing a jumper or cardigan and a coat. It is getting colder and we need to keep them warm.


I hope you have seen the sail shades in the playground. They look great and will really help protect the children from the sun. Thank you for fundraising for these.

Thank you for your OPAL donations. We still need more. We would love –

  • Tennis rackets and balls
  • Wellies
  • Waterproof jackets and trousers or all in ones
  • Small world – play mobile, small animals, cars, dinosaurs etc
  • Small lego
  • Large lego/mobilo
  • Building blocks
  • Chalk
  • Dressing up clothes in all sizes
  • Washing up bowls
  • Watering cans

Please bring any donations into school. Thank you. The children are really going to enjoy using these.


I hope you have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the Winter Fair tomorrow.




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