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Newsletter Friday 19th January 2024


Dear Parents and Carers,


We have had a lovely week in this cold and sunny weather. The children have been working hard and Year 4 really enjoyed a trip to the Thames as part of their Tudor topic. The children went mudlarking (the act of searching the riverbed for historical treasures) and learnt about rivers and how the Tudors lived around the Thames and how they used the river. The children learnt how the Tudors unfortunately used it as a dumping ground. Photos are attached.


Thank you for the project homework. They are amazing and all staff are enjoying seeing them and the children are really enjoying presenting them.


We have registered for the children to participate in the Young Artists Summer Show competition run by the Royal Academy. Children aged 4 - 19 can enter their artwork which will be judged by a panel of artists. Successful pieces are exhibited online and some will be shown in the gallery. If you would like your child to partake please look at this website-

If you cannot upload their work please bring it in and we will attempt to do it for you. Please let us know if your child is successful.


The children are really enjoying the new menu. They loved the cooked salmon fillets today. They are also very good at complimenting the chef.


Thank you for your understanding about the car park entrance being closed and coming in and out of the front entrance. The matter in the driveway should be sorted soon and I will let you know when you can walk around again.


Dates are on the website calendar so please ensure that you put them in your diary.


On Tuesday 6th February, we will join schools and youth organisations across the UK to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2024. Safer Internet Day is a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology, which calls on young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers and more, to help to create a better internet. 

This year the campaign will be focusing on change online, including covering: 

• Young people’s perspective on new and emerging technology 

• Using the internet to make change for the better 

• The changes young people want to see online 

• The things that can influence and change the way young people think, feel and act online and offline

Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote in school, and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year. We would be delighted if you could join us in celebrating the day by continuing the conversation at home. To help you with this, the UK Safer Internet Centre has created some free activities and information for parents and carers which are available at:

Whether you have 5 minutes to start a conversation or hours to spare, there are top tips, quizzes and films which you can use at home with your child. If you have any concerns or questions about keeping your child safe online, please do get in touch with us.


Have a lovely weekend,



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