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Newsletter Friday 19th April 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back. It is so lovely to see you and your children back. I hope you had a lovely holiday. The children are back with big smiles which is lovely to see. I cannot believe we are already in the summer term. The academic year is flying by. We have lots of lovely things coming up so please look at the calendar on the website for dates. Blastonbury is on the afternoon of 23rd May. 


Reception hosted Family Friday today and the parents and carers came into their child’s classroom and read together. It was so lovely to see and thank you to those of you who were able to make it. There are photos attached to this newsletter.

Thank you for attending your parent’s meeting before the holidays. I hope you found them helpful. We have given you your child’s report so we can work with you on their next steps this term.


This week we celebrated Autism Appreciation Week with a special assembly. We discussed what autism is, why differences are positive, and talked about some famous people who are neurodivergent. Martin in Year 4 presented confidently to the school, and showed us a brilliant lego animation video he had made. Classes have had discussions about appreciating each others' differences, and being kind, and have designed Kahoot quizzes about autism.


This is the last term for Year 6 and we will ensure that they have a really brilliant one. They deserve it as they have been and are absolutely amazing.


Year 5 Saffron are having their class assembly on Wednesday 24th April at 9:15am. We look forward to seeing the parents and carers of Saffron class then.


We have some great events coming up. There is a vintage and designer sale on Wednesday 24th April from 7:30-11pm at the Red Lion Pub (upstairs). Please help by donating one or two pieces of good condition pre-loved, vintage, designer, or high street clothing, shoes, and accessories including bags, jewellery and sunglasses. The focus is on women’s items but men’s and children’s clothes etc are welcome too. This could be anything you would sell on Vinted or eBay (washed & ironed on a hanger will help us). Thank you to the organisers, and those of you who donated, are helping or attending. It is great to have so much support.


Betty's Disco Bingo is on Friday 26th April 7.30pm at the school. Tickets are still available here:'s-disco-bingo-2024 We look forward to seeing you there.


Please can I ask you to walk around the building to leave in the morning and after school. A lot of parents and carers are walking out of the main gates and it is becoming too congested. Thank you for your help with this and please can you tell anyone who does not receive these emails and comes to pick up or drop off to do the same. Thank you.


We are aware that a lot of children have smartphones or iPads and we are reminding them about how to keep safe on them. Establishing the rules on safety and wellbeing for using the phone or iPad is key. This means talking to your child about how and when they use them, why they shouldn’t answer unknown texts and calls, be aware of not giving out personal information online, and the importance of being kind online. Please encourage your child to always talk to you if they have a weird or bad experience online. We will continue to support this area too.


There is a meeting for Year 6 parents and carers about SATs and how it is managed on Wednesday 24th April at 3:30pm. We look forward to seeing you there.


I am sad to say nits are back. They never seem to go away. Please check your child’s hair regularly and treat them if you find anything. Thank you for doing this.  


I hope you have a lovely weekend,





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