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Newsletter Friday 17th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


It has been a very good week. Year 6 were absolutely brilliant with completing their SATs this week and were very calm and positive. They worked extremely hard and we are really proud of them. Well done Year 6. You are all wonderful children who are so much more than a SATs result. You should be very proud of yourself. We are very proud of you. The children had a great trip to the park today as a treat.


It is Mental Health Awareness Week this week and this year's theme is 'movement: moving more for our mental health'. Our well-being ambassadors led some movement to music outside for all the children and they learnt how movement can positively help our mental health. 


Thank you to those of you supporting us by running the Hackney half marathon. We are really grateful. Good luck to you and I hope the weather is kind to you. A big thank you to those of you taking the children to run the mile this weekend too. It is a great thing to do and your support is really appreciated. It was lovely to see some of you after school today collecting the t-shirts and raising funds for the school.


We have Blastonbury at 2pm on Thursday (23rd May). This is in the playground. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the weather is dry. There will be a designated area for you to stand and we ask that you do not come out of that area or stand on chairs etc. You may not be able to see clearly but you will definitely be able to hear clearly. The children are amazing and you are in for a treat.


Thank you to the Reception parents who came to Family Friday today. It was lovely to see you there. It looked like everyone had a great time making puppets. I have attached some photos.


Some children from years 4 and 5 were selected to take part in the Hackney Aquathlon at Clissold Leisure Centre on Wednesday 15th May. The children took part in several water activities like a walking race across the swimming pool, front and back crawl using a noodle and float, picking up treasure and much more. Well done everyone, we are very proud of you. You were great.


We also had a lot of trips and workshops this week. Reception were visited by Zoo Lab and various creatures and loved it. Year 2 went to the Garden Classroom and had a great time. Year 3 went to the Centre for Circus Arts and really enjoyed it. It was lovely hearing all about these. Please ask your child about them too.


This week, year 4 participated in a science workshop hosted by School of Noise. The workshop contained a mix of an interactive presentation, hands-on play and experimentation. They conducted scientific experiments on how sound is made (vibration, frequency), how it travels (medium, longitudinal/pressure waves) and where it ends up (hearing, absorption).  A lot of fun was had. 


I hope you have a lovely weekend and good luck with the marathon,







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