Newsletter Friday 16th September
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had another great week. The Reception children are now full time and have settled in really well. I am so impressed. I went into their classrooms today and it was like they have been there forever. Well done Reception. It is the same for the Nursery children. They have also settled in really well and we are really pleased all the children and their families are now a big part of our school.
We have the International Food and welcome event next Friday (Friday 23rd September) at 3:30-5:45pm. I have had some kind offers of help and food but not nearly enough. I know it is short notice but I am going to hold a meeting here at school at 9:00am on Tuesday 20th September, so if you can help please come along. If you can donate time or food please email me if you cannot attend the meeting. I really want this to be a success and I hope you can attend. It will be lots of fun.
Please remember that KS2 come into school at 8:50 -8:55 and KS1, Reception and Nursery come into school at 8:55-9:00. Please can you keep to these times to avoid congestion and please can you wait across the road and not at the front gates when waiting to come in. The collection times are 3:10 for KS2 and 3:15 for KS1, Reception and Nursery. Please can I also ask that the children do not scoot or cycle on the school grounds and that you walk around the school and do not exit via the front gate. Thank you for your support with this.
Homework starts this week and we have decided to go back to books. We had mixed feedback from our homework survey and decided that using books was the best outcome. Thank you for trialing Google Classroom for homework with us. It is always worth a try.
As you already know school is closed on Monday due to the funeral of her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We are open on Tuesday as normal.
A dates letter is coming soon. Please look out for it and put any dates relevant to you in your diaries.
We received a lovely letter of congratulations from Hackney this week celebrating our successes last year. I have attached it as a photo so please read it as it reflects all the hard work of our school community. Well done everybody.
I hope you have a lovely weekend,