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Newsletter Friday 15th December 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


I cannot believe that this is the last newsletter of this term and 2023. What a great year we have had and thank you so much for all your support during this time. I have really appreciated it. The children are just amazing and really care about doing well academically as well as being kind and caring to everyone. Well done to them.


Year 1 and Reception put on a brilliant nativity play this week and we were all incredibly impressed by their confidence, loud voices and brilliant singing. The acting was also amazing. Well done to all our Reception and Year 1 children. You are fabulous.


The children loved their Christmas lunch today and looked great in their Christmas hats and jumpers. A big thank you to Damion who has been with us since September cooking our delicious lunches. The children love them. There will be a new menu from January and we will be putting this on the website on the last day of this term.

I am looking forward to seeing Year 2 to 6 parents and carers at the church for the performance on Tuesday. It starts at 2pm. You are in for a treat. Please remember to stay in the pews and please do not stand in the aisles as each year group has to leave after their performances. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.

Well done, we raised an amazing £8715 at the Winter Fair this year. What a fabulous amount. Thank you for all your help, donations and support with this. It really does make a difference.


On Tuesday 12th December, The Betty Layward football team went to Hackney Eastway Hub to play Mossbourne Parkside in the Hackney football league. The boys kicked off first and despite a strong performance in the second half, Mossbourne Parkside won. The Betty Layward girls kicked off their match and romped to a 12-0 victory with goals from Bonnie, Emilia and Emmy Lou. Well done to everyone who took part.


Please remember we finish at 1pm on Thursday 21st December and there is no clubs or Junior Adventure Group so all children need to be collected.


Thank you for all that you do for our school. It really is a wonderful community to be part of. Thank you for a lovely 2023 and I am really looking forward to 2024. I hope you enjoy your holidays. Happy Christmas a Happy New Year to you all and I look forward to seeing you in January when we return. If you ever need anything please let me know.





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