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Newsletter Friday 13th January 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have had a lovely week. The Year 5 children led a lovely assembly on raising money for Cancer Research on Wednesday. They will be having a children’s clothes sale on Friday 27th January and donations can be brought in from Monday. We hope you are able to donate some clothes or come and buy some at the clothes sale. Please can any clothes that you kindly donate be washed and in good condition. Thank you for supporting us and the Year 5 children with this.

We also need leggings and jogging bottoms, as spare clothes, in case a child has an accident. We especially need items aged 8 to 9, so if you have these please bring them to school. If your child comes home in anything that belongs to the school please return it afterwards as we can run very short. Thank you, we really appreciate it.


We are going to send out communication about parent governor positions next week. This is a really important role that supports the school. I hope you take the time to read this letter and consider this position. Any questions please ask me.


Thank you to those of you who have told me they have set up a direct debit or standing order or who have offered help to support the school. We do really appreciate it. We know it is a hard time for everyone at the moment and this contribution is voluntary. We are really grateful to be part of such a kind and supportive community. Thank you.


We are really looking forward to Grandparent’s Week next week and meeting all the Grandparents who are visiting us. Please sign up if you haven’t already done so or ask them to send a letter or an email to their grandchild for us to read out in class.

Thank you for all your support. I hope you have a lovely weekend,





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