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Newsletter Friday 12th January 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


Happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely holiday. It is really great to see everyone back. Thank you for your lovely words and gifts last term. The children have come back refreshed and happy and it is really great to see them. We have had a great start to the year.


We have started a new menu. This is on the website. Any dates for this term are also on the calendar on the website so please take a look.


Next week we have individual photos on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This also includes siblings.


Please look at the knowledge organisers on the website. These will let you know more about what the children are learning this term. They are very helpful.


We have a new School Crossing Patrol Officer called Patrizia. Please say hello. It is great to have someone taking over the role of helping keep our children safe on the roads.


Tabitha (year 5) and Acer (year 2) made ornaments out of hammer beads and raised over £18 for the school. Well done Tabitha and Acer. We really appreciate your kindness.


On Tuesday 9th January Betty Layward took part in the next round of fixtures for the Hackney football league. The boys and girls tried really hard but unfortunately, the results didn't go our way. Well done to all the year 5's who took part, we are very proud of you. 


If you are having a January clear out please remember we would really appreciate some items for OPAL in our playground. These include

  • Tennis rackets and balls
  • Wellies
  • Waterproof jackets and trousers or all in ones
  • Small world – play mobile, small animals, cars, dinosaurs etc
  • Small lego
  • Large lego/mobilo
  • Building blocks
  • Chalk
  • Dressing up clothes in all sizes
  • Washing up bowls
  • Watering cans

Please bring any donations into school. Thank you. The children are going to enjoy using these.







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