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Friday 7th July 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Well done Cerise class on a wonderful assembly about electricity. You taught us a lot and also reminded us about how to keep safe. Well done Cerise class, you were marvellous.

Thank you for your support with the NEU strikes this week. I appreciate it is difficult and disruptive. Let’s hope a decision is made soon.


What a fantastic Summer Fair. I heard so many wonderful comments about how great it was, so well done to everyone who organised, helped, donated, cooked and tidied up. It was a really successful community event. So successful it has raised about £7800, which is amazing. Well done to the Betty Layward community. What a wonderful group you are.


We are having an Eid event after school on Friday 14th July. Please join us. There will be delicious food and some activities. Thank you to the parents who are organising this. We are very grateful.


Please remember to buy your tickets for the Auction which is on 14th July in the evening. Thank you for any donations. This is to help raise funds to decorate the upstairs classrooms.

A parent of the school has created a really interesting film about online safety. Please watch. Thank you to those of you who came to our meeting on online safety. Please attend the virtual workshop if you could not make the one at school, as this area is really important and there is more to understand and to be aware of. The link to the film is


Have a lovely weekend,



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