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Friday 6th January 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Happy New Year. I hope you had a lovely holiday. It was great seeing all the children back on Wednesday. They came into school with big smiles and they told us some great New Year’s resolutions in assembly. Thank you for all your kind words, cards and gifts last term. The staff were incredibly grateful. 2023 is going to be a great year for Betty Layward. We just know it!


Please remember it is Grandparent Week the whole week beginning Monday 23rd January from 2:30pm each day. This is when a child’s Grandparent can visit their Grandchild’s class and talk about their own school experience or read the class a story. They could also tell the children about a job they once did or an experience they have had. Times are available at the end of each day that week. Please can you let your child’s class teacher know what day and time if you have a Grandparent who is able to attend. There will be a sign-up sheet outside the classrooms downstairs. Key Stage 2 teachers will have their sign-up sheet with them when they are seeing the children home at the end of the day in the playground. We are really looking forward to meeting all the Grandparents. If your child’s Grandparent lives abroad or cannot make it in please ask them to write your child a letter and we can read it in class. Any questions please ask.


Please remember that Clissold Road is a school street from 8.30am to 9.30am and 3pm to 4pm, Monday to Friday during school term time. This means no cars can enter the road during this time. Unfortunately, yesterday there was an accident during the road closure time. A car entered and while trying to reverse hit a secondary school child on a bicycle. Luckily, she was okay but she was in shock. This is why we ask that people do not drive down the road during this time as it is so busy with our children and the secondary school children coming to school. The council have decided to put up cameras very soon so the likelihood of you or someone else being caught while driving down Clissold Road during school closure times is very high and there will be a fine.


Class assemblies start again. This is an opportunity for each class to tell you about what they have been learning in class. The dates of these are –


Peach Class (Year 2) – 9:10am Tuesday 24th January

Emerald Class (Year 3) – 9:10am Wednesday 1st February

Buttercup Class (Year 5) – 9:10am Wednesday 8th February

Chilli Class (Year 6) – 9:10am Wednesday 8th March

Violet Class (Year 1) – 9:10am Tuesday 14th March

Fuchsia Class (Year 4) – 9:10am Wednesday 29th March


The other classes will be in the summer term and dates will follow. We hope you can attend your child’s class assembly and look forward to seeing you there.


Last year there was amazing fundraising from the PTFA and we look forward to even more events this year. Here are the dates for the upcoming cake sales-


January 13th and March 17th
Hosted by Years 4 and 6

January 27th and April 21st
Hosted by Reception and Year 3

February 10th and May 5th
Hosted by Nursery and Year 2  

March 3rd and May 19th
Hosted by Years 1 and 5


There will be a Jumble Sale this term and we will confirm the date very soon. Please start sorting any jumble for us so we are ready and have lots to sell. The Summer Fair will be on Saturday 24th June. Please put these dates in your diary. Thank you for all your help and support. It means a lot and really makes a difference.


Some of our Year 5 children are raising money for Cancer Research this term. I am really proud of them and they have come up with all the ideas themselves. They will be asking for donations of children’s clothing, shoes, hats, etc from Monday 16th January and then having a clothes sale after school on \Friday 27th January. They will also be presenting an assembly to the children about this. If you do have any donations of clothes etc please drop them off at school from Monday 16th January. Please ensure they are washed and in good condition. All money raised from the sale will go to Cancer Research. Well done to these children who have really worked hard on this.


Have a lovely weekend,





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