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Friday 5th May Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend and enjoy another one this weekend. Lavender class performed the most amazing assembly today on the Great Fire of London. They gave us the most amazing news report and they remembered a lot of facts. Well done Lavender class. It was amazing.


Year 6 will be completing their National Assessments next week and we wish them all well. A child is more than a SATs result and we are so proud of how hard they have worked, not only this year, but every year they have been here. Good luck Year 6. It is really important that Year 6 children are here every day and are on time. Thank you for supporting us with this.

On Tuesday there is a Coronation picnic for the children (weather permitting). We will be eating outside if we can, fingers crossed.


We have been successful with the first stage of a solar panel bid for the school. We have been given the money for a feasibility study from Stokey Energy. This is such good news and something we have wanted to implement for a while. We will need more fundraising to match grants, but don’t worry, that won’t be until after the decorating. I am also going to ask the children’s eco-committee to be involved.


Please look at the photos with the newsletter. These are the proofs of the tea towels to order soon. They look great and thank you to Sophie, a parent, who organised this.

We resent the information for the Hackney Half Marathon. Thank you for supporting your child getting sponsorship for this and helping raise money for Project Renovate.


Have a lovely long weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.




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