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Friday 27th January 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

What a great week we have had. We have loved the Grandparents coming in to visit us and sharing their stories. Thank you so much to all the Grandparents who came in and to the ones who wrote letters. We thought it was great and we really enjoyed you being part of our school.


Individual children photos are on Monday 30thJanuary and Tuesday 31st January. Sibling photos will be taken on these days too.


Well done to the Year 5 children who organised the children’s clothes sale for Cancer Research. They worked really hard during their lunch times and break times to organise the clothes. Thank you for your donations and for coming to the sale too. I really look forward to hearing how much they raised.


Two Year 1 children led an assembly on ‘how to keep the school clean’ this week and reminded the children about how to look after our toilets. This is really important and something we are always reminding the children. Well done to those Year 1 children. It’s a brave thing, standing in front of the whole school and speaking to everyone.


Over the last 3 weeks, Year 3 Jade class have been participating in a fully inclusive programme which involves pupils’ competing against themselves in a variety of multi-skill based activities to achieve their own personal bests. Well done to 3 Jade, who worked really hard at this.


On Wednesday 25th January a group of children representing year 5 and 6 took part in a netball tournament at the Young Hackney Eastway Hub. The children did really well and had a great time and experience. Thank you to Briony for providing lunchtime training sessions with the children who took part.


You would have received the information about the Parent Governor position this week. I really hope you are thinking about it. Any questions please do not hesitate to ask.


Please remember school is closed on Wednesday 1st February due to the teacher’s strike. Please remember Jade class assembly is now on Tuesday 31st January.


Thank you for all your kindness and support. I hope you have a lovely weekend,




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