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Friday 24th March 2023 Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had a lovely week with the sunshine beginning to shine and having longer days. Please remember the clocks go forward on Sunday and we lose an hour.


Year 6 Chilli performed the most amazing assembly on William Shakespeare this week and knew so many facts about him. It was educational and fun. Well done Ruby class

and thank you to all the parents and carers for coming. It was really lovely to see you.


School closes at 1pm for Parent/Carer meetings on Wednesday. Years 1 – 6 will be receiving their child’s school report on Tuesday, which then can be discussed at the meeting. Please ensure you have booked a time. We look forward to seeing you then. You can book Adventure Kids (the old Fit for Sport) from 1pm until 5:45pm and there will be a creche just for your appointment time if you wish not to take your child to the meeting with you. They are very welcome to attend the meeting and it can be very purposeful if they do.


Ramadan Mubarak/Happy Ramadan. Ramadan is celebrated in many different ways around the globe to mark the special occasion, from Iftar gatherings (Iftar- the opening of one’s fast), to household decorations and traditional foods, to mark its arrival. Fasting begins just after dawn, before which Muslims will take a modest meal known as “suhoor”, and ends after sunset, known as “iftar”. In between these meals, those who are partaking in the fast will consume nothing, not even water. In 2023, Ramadan began on Wednesday 22 March and end on Friday 21 April. It starts with the sighting of the crescent moon, which usually appears one night after a new moon. I hope you are able to go and visit the lights in Piccadilly as I mentioned in my email yesterday.


World Autism Acceptance and Admiration Week runs from Monday 27th March to Sunday 2nd April. This is a week to raise awareness of autism, and to advocate for the acceptance and admiration of autism and those who fall into the spectrum. We will be talking to the children about it and I will send some more information for you via email.


Salwa and Simon are expecting a baby and Salwa will be going on maternity leave after the Easter holidays. I am sure you will join me in saying a huge congratulations and we cannot wait to meet their new addition.


This is my last newsletter of the term as we break up on Thursday at normal time. There are clubs on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. We wish you a happy holiday and look forward to seeing you when we are back on Monday 17th April. Thank you for all your support and kindness. We really do appreciate it.







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