Friday 14th July 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
One week to go! Time has flown by. A massive well done to Year 6 for their SATs results. The reading paper was exceptionally hard this year and there was an enormous amount to read in a very short time. The children did amazingly well and we are really proud of them. Every child in Year 6 was Star of the Week today. Well done Year 6.
The children visited their new classes yesterday and really enjoyed their time in their new year group. They will be doing the same on Monday so that they are really familiar with their new adults and classrooms.
We have a busy last week next week with the Year 6 show and presentation on Tuesday followed by the garden party. We look forward to seeing the Year 6 parents and carers there (only 2 guests per child please).
We finish at 2pm on Friday and there is no after school provision so please ensure your child is picked up on time.
Thank you to the organisers of our Eid event today. Such delicious food and treats. It was a great success. Thank you to those of you who supported the event and donated too.
Thank you to the organisers of the auction and even though it was a shame we had to postpone it I know it will be great in the Autumn Term.
I am so proud of Juno in Year 4 who decided to make and sell loom bands to raise money for the school. She made £20. Well done Juno. Please see the attached photo.
It is 20p day on the last day of term so please make sure your child brings their 20ps in next week. Thank you for supporting us with this. It is much appreciated.
Here is an easy way to earn money for the PTFA! Order name tags for your children's uniform and never lose an item again. Please go to and use the School ID 65659 (please insert your school id at the checkout page/delivery address) they will give 24% back to the school, it is as simple as that.
There is a picnic in Clissold Park after school closes on Friday next week. This is not a PTFA event. This is just an opportunity for all families to come together. Everyone is welcome.
Have a lovely weekend,