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Friday 12th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you for all your support this week with the kitchen having to close. It was due to unforeseen circumstances and I really appreciated your support. 


The Year 6 children completed their national assessments this week. You may have read in the news that they were particularly hard this year. Our children approached them with positivity and really tried their hardest. We could not have asked for more. Well done Year 6. We are really proud of you. Year 6 are off to Kingswood in Norfolk on Sunday for a few days. I really hope they have the best time. They deserve it. 


Your child will be bringing home some song lyrics today. These are the songs they are singing at Blastonbury. Please could you ensure that they practice them. I hope you can join us to watch their performances. It is on Thursday 25th May. We look forward to seeing you there. 


Thank you to everyone who has helped organise the bingo evening taking place tonight at school. I am looking forward to seeing you there. 


Please remember that if your child has a tummy bug your child needs to be off school for 48 hours since the LAST bought. This is school policy so we do not spread tummy bugs around the school. Thank you for supporting us with this. 


Nits are marching around school again and we would really appreciate it if you checked your child's head often and treated them if necessary. Thanks.


I hope you have a lovely weekend and the sun shines,



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